The Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area website has a new look, designed to be engaging, easy to navigate and user-friendly. We’ve curated our content to serve you better, and the pages below should be of interest to you.


Our new home page has a rotating roster of important news and updates about the Cross Conservation Area, as well as maps, contact information, and hike booking. No matter where you are on the website, you can always reach the home page by clicking the logo in the top left corner of the page, or by clicking on the “home” menu option in the menu.



Our menu has changed to the industry standard three bars in the top right corner of our page.  If you click on the menu bars, then a list of all our pages will be displayed. Clicking on each of the main pages will expand the sub pages to easily find what you are looking for.


Our Donate Page features secure transfer through an online form, and allows for you to make personal dedications. Please contact our office if you have any questions or issues with making your donation.

With caring and support from donors like you we are able to continue to protect vital native habitat for the diverse wildlife that call the Cross Conservation Area home, and to ensure that we can continue to provide valuable education programs, especially for young people.

Our important role is to raise awareness of conservation issues to inspire people of all ages to work towards a better, more sustainable future. Join us today!


Basic information can now be found under our ’About’ section.  We offer a history of the Cross and of our founders, in addition to information on our governance structure and volunteer opportunities.

Specific inquiries can be made through the contact information under the ‘Contact Us’ drop-down; we also have a new form that can reach us directly on that page.

Planning Your Visit

Information under the ‘Visit’ tab highlights how you can make use of the Cross as a visitor. You can schedule hikes personally for larger groups through the ‘Book a Hike’ tab.

‘Area Guidelines’ details rules under our mandate and best practices as a Conservation Area. To preserve the area and its habitat, guidelines must be followed. We do not allow dog walking, camping, hunting or biking. Everyone must register online or at the kiosk in our parking lot.


We also offer information on parking in the area and our Trail Map. You can also follow our blog and upcoming events.


Our education page remains largely unchanged with a few updates and additions. In this section of our website, we highlight the various programs on offer at the ASCCA, an education intake form and information on guided experiences.


The ASCCA prides itself on being an example in sustainable land management and habitat conservation. Our online resources in the form of publications, videos and links are all available through our ‘Resources’ section.

‘Links’ is our ongoing effort to provide resources to the community. We have updated and expanded this section as well.


Our website section ‘Projects’ highlights our ongoing conservation initiatives. We’ve added new pages in this section not previously featured on our website, so make sure to look into what we’ve been working on.


We hope you enjoy exploring our new site! Please contact us if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

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