Teaching children the importance of wildlife conservation.

Jackie Edwards is an editor, researcher and writer who lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and two daughters. Both are keen environmentalists and wish to share their love of nature with others, especially young children. To read more, please visit their blog at http://www.footstepsintheforest.com.

Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Conservation

In our technology-fuelled world, children are spending less time wandering around the great outdoors and much more time plugged in to a screen. As parents, it becomes increasingly important to bestow on our children the importance of interacting with nature and taking care of the environment.

Around Calgary, there are many opportunities for children to experience all of the wonders of wildlife and learn about conservation. Even if you do not live in the area, most places in the world today are aware of the changing climates and have ways you and your family can get involved in protecting the environment.

The Best Place to Start is Home 

Learning always begins at home. Whether you make sure to turn off the lights when you leave a room, or you try to cut back on using water in the kitchen or bathroom, your children will learn best by your example. Making your home ecologically-friendly by using energy-saving light bulbs and reusable grocery bags, will lead to your children learning and internalizing numerous habits that will impact the environment in positive ways as they grow.

Another activity that you can begin at home is keeping a “life list.” These are the perfect idea for your children to get excited about discovering new species in their own backyards. By keeping track of all of the critters, plants, or insects you uncover together, your children will soon be wildlife enthusiasts and think of the outdoors as a place for discovery.

Other Activities for the Outdoor 

In addition to talking to your children about conservation techniques in the household, it is vital that you bring them on exciting adventures in your community. Many cities that are rich in nature have preserved parks or trails, such as our very own Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area in Alberta. Places like these have numerous events and activities planned for children, such as scavenger hunts and even education programs.

You can also be aware of summer camps for children, which are a popular way for your little conservationists to experience an immersive experience in nature. Any memory formed while playing outdoors is sure to be a lasting one, as children are generally less inclined to spend time in nature on their own. By taking your children to parks, pointing out different trees as you drive, or even stopping the car to peer at a family of deer, you can be sure to spawn the next generation of animal-lovers and nature protectors.

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